A limerick is a much easier and shorter poem than some of the more complicated poetry styles you may have come across.
It does have a strict form, but is fun and quite easy to follow – The nonsensical, ridiculous and rhythmical storytelling of a limerick never fails to amuse me.
The limerick follows a rhythmic pattern of something called the anapaestic, but all you really need to feel is the beat. Look at the line below, you can see where the beat is in capitals.
Line 1) I ONCE went TO a barBEcue (3 beats)
Line 3) But SHE got blind DRUNK (2 beats)
Here is a list of expectations for a limerick and my example.
Must be five lines long and consecutive (The stanza)
The first, second and fifth line should rhyme and have a beat of three
The third and fourth should rhyme and have a beat of two
The first, second and fifth line should have 8/9 syllables
The third and fourth should have 5–6 syllables
It’s got to be goofy, the more ridiculous the better, but make sure it tells some kind of story
Here is my example … I apologise for the ridiculousness in advance.
I once went to a barbecue
Invited by my neighbour, Sue
But she got blind drunk
Then called me a hunk
And mounted me like buckaroo!
I love a good limerick! Try it and see what you think. I hope you have a go and enjoy doing so!